Vaal’s Top 20 Moments In Descendants Vols 1-5 (Part 2)
Vaal’s headlong descent into narcissism continues with side trips along the way to watch movies on Amazon and a disturbing amount of attention paid to a minor character. Continue reading
Vaal’s headlong descent into narcissism continues with side trips along the way to watch movies on Amazon and a disturbing amount of attention paid to a minor character. Continue reading
Almost a year ago, one of the guys in my writing group on another forum asked me to read the first few chapters of a novel he was working on. It kicked all manner of ass.
I’m proud to report that he’s finally put that story, the first book of a trilogy, on sale for the world to see. I highly suggest you throw money furiously at this man’s work now before his stuff can only be had for $30 hardback. What I read then (and am reading now) is totally worth his asking price, believe me.
Check out The Steam Punk on Amazon right now. If you don’t have a Kindle, there are links right on the page to get a free app so you can read Kindle books on any mobile device and most desktop rigs.
And if you haven’t already, and you happen to be in a Kindle book buying mood, remember that I’ve got some books on sale there too.
Happy reading!
The regular blog post is below, but I wanted to let everyone know about a project one of my writer friends just published. That Weird City is a supernatural horror ebook written in part by the gentleman that started the writing group I frequent. It’s only for Kindle for now (but you can get a free Kindle app for PC or smartphone), but this guy has serious writing chops, so it’s worth the read.
From the Amazon product page:
Technical support takes a turn for the eldritch, a faulty GPS device leads straight out of this world, a bogeyman meets its match in a little girl, a murder investigation goes to hell and back, and six other tales of the Weird from two up-and-coming authors. That Weird City is a foray into the strangest areas of the world; the ones that normal people stomp through every single day of their lives.