Issue #75 – Kaiju for Christmas

This entry is part 3 of 14 in the series The Descendants Vol 7: The New World
Kaiju For Christmas (Part 4)
Majestrix was confident in her covering fire as the Queen’s Gambit finally set down on terra firma. The Live Metal robot and its unknown biological hitchhiker had predictably hunkered down in the crater in the face of withering fire.
Meanwhile, Zero Point had gone high, keeping out of the line of fire while surveying the situation from the sky. “Something weird’s going on down there.” He announced shortly. “Looks like it’s… melting.”
“Maybe its power source is running dry.” said Majestrix hopefully.
That hope died as Wrex rose from the crater, taking ponderous steps to pull itself out of the earthen trench. Black-red blisters had sprouted atop its head, shoulders and legs, clustering around every forward-facing bit of exposed flesh while still keeping the gun ports free. Where bullets struck blisters, they bounced off like they’d struck tank armor.
Zero Point said a few words he didn’t normally use around the house.
“It’s adapting to our attacks.” Majestrix said, then scowled at herself as she stopped firing. She sounded like an exposition character on television, saying what was clearly happening. More to sate her own intellect than anything else, she added, “I wish we had a biologist here, because engineering smarts aren’t going to tell us how to beat this.”
After a second’s thought, she remembered that she was still patched in to the ROCIC. “You wouldn’t happen to have a biologist around, would you, General?”
“The moment you said your scans picked up biological life, Majestrix.” General Pratt replied. “The Parks Service has rerouted three ecological survey drones to your location and as soon as their sensors are in range, we’re routing the data to three DARPA-participant universities. Just a warning though: we’re standing by to scramble fighters from Luke Air Force Base. Even if you’re unwilling to destroy it, we are if it moves to threaten populated areas.”
As if to punctuate the point, smoke trails belched out of the stuck missile pod on Wrex’s side as it fired the two missiles that still cleared the opening. Missile lock warnings began to sound inside the Queen’s Gambit‘s cockpit.
“I understand, General.” said Majestrix evenly. She didn’t flinch as a plane of blue force appeared ahead of the missiles just yards from Wrex, well within their arming distance. The weapons didn’t even explode, just smashed themselves into unhappy heaps against Zero Point’s wall.
Wrex let out a coughing grunt and opened fire with its own machine guns, peppering Zero Point, who had to move his wall to protect himself. Once the way was clear, it opened up on the Queen’s Gambit with its own machine guns.
Well protected by her mecha’s armor, Majestrix reached over and pulled over the cover to the missile fire controls, overlaying her center HUD with laser targeting reticules. Her fingers danced across the screen, laser-painting points all around Wrex. While she didn’t want to kill whatever it was, she wasn’t averse to injuring it until it was weakened enough to be captured. With one more tap of the screen, she confirmed her targets and fired.
The Queen’s Gambit rocked slightly backward while struts extended from the back of its legs to brace against the ground. While the walking tank’s gyroscopic balancing system could keep it standing while firing two or three missiles, a full salvo could still easily throw it to the ground without proper bracing.
As one, the missile hatches swung open, seconds before tails of smoke blew out the other end, sending eight missiles toward Wrex.
Wrex took a step back and the old flowbeast calculated how strong its hastily grown carapace was. The answer it came up with was ‘not that strong. “Terror!” It bellowed in threat, but it’s solution was, it might have admitted, cowardly. The jump jets emerged from its calves and thighs even as it turned. Four rocket engines powered up and lit, angled toward the ground so that the result was a long jump rather than a vertical takeoff.
The gigantic machine was hurled into the air amid a cloud of smoke and flame just as the missiles hammered down into the turf all around, exploding into balls of fire and concussive force.
Said force caught Wrex on the tail end, sending it wobbling off its planned path. Where it intended to leap away toward the city, it found its trajectory flattening out until it wound up being propelled almost sideways into a wall of cold it didn’t know was there.
For the first time in a long time, it found itself gripped by fear. It wasn’t from the confusion of the crash, or how it found itself tumbling end-over-end in first dirt and then across asphalt. No, it feared things from its memories. There were things back where it came from that even a five hundred year old flowbeast would never want to meet, that even Wrex, with his powerful host, could not hope to match in battle.
Cold was their element. They came from the Air and Darkness. Their Queen descended from the sky, every seven-and-seven years out of three hundred and settled in a castle of ice and snow and utter dark.
Both confusion and fear retreated, evaporating along with the rapidly-subliming dry ice that fell from Wrex’s body as it stirred. They were replaced with a cacophony of screeching, metallic crunching and a high, nasally blare like the call of some huge bird.
Wrex looked around to find itself in the middle of a field of smashed and gouged black rock, surrounded by creatures that were much like its host, only smaller that seemed to creep along the ground on four rubbery feet. They were strewn around it, some having collided with it and each other, probably when Wrex crashed into their path. The cry was coming from some of the more stricken beasts. Farther back in the herd, a large creature, this one with more feet than the others, had come to a stop sidelong, its front segment turned away and smoke rising from its paws.
On closer inspection, Wrex spotted Mankinds climbing out of the bodies of the downed creatures and running way. Not creatures then: conveyances. And the Mankinds within, while poor meals alone, were plentiful and would give it much needed nourishment to continue its battle.
Looking around, it found a Mankind trapped inside his conveyance, frantically trying to open the door while staring up at the terrible majesty that was Wrex. One of its smaller fore-claws reached down to take hold of the conveyance roof.
A waterfall of blue rushed down from above to slam into Wrex, driving it back from its intended meal.
Zero Point dropped down from the sky, pouring on the power. “Are you going to fight, big guy, or are you going to eat?” He shouted, “Here’s a hint: I’m only going to let you pick one of those.”
Miniature comets of blue powers began to slam Wrex from the side as Zero also joined the scene. “Sorry,” she told her father over the comm, “I was getting some information.”
“Anything we can use?” Zero Point asked. His energy reserves were starting to bottom out and not only was his blast of power ebbing, but he was starting to sink lower to the ground. “Please say yes.”
Topped off from all of the energy she’d stripped out of the air to create the wall of cold earlier, Zero easily stepped in to take over keeping the pressure on Wrex from Zero Point with her own raw burst of power. “I think so. The creature controlling Rex is called a flowbeast. Both good and bad news: they’re pretty much unkillable while bound to a host. But the good news is, they go into shock and go dormant for a while if you kill their host—which in this case, is a robot, so that’s okay. Also, Rex itself has power outage problems.”
“I was thinking about that earlier.” Zero Point admitted. “So we run down its batteries, then let your moth…” He remembered just in time that more than just his family and the General might be patched into the comm. “…Majestrix blow the ‘bot apart.”
“Oh, I think I can handle that, ZP.” Majestrix said as she plodded toward the highway. “Why don’t you handle getting the people in the cars clear while Zero and I deal with Rex?”
Zero Point looked down at the chaos on the road and heard the sounds of approaching ambulances that wouldn’t be able to get close without help. “Good idea. How’s your heat? I would definitely use a boost if you’re able.”
“I could go a while longer without venting coolant, but it’s running hot enough to give you that boost, ZP.” Majestrix said fondly. Then another thought struck her. “Zero? These flowbeast things, are they sentient?”
“Yes, why?”
“Oh. That’s unfortunate then.”
“Why so?”
Majestrix was setting up her coolant systems for the venting procedure, but her mind as on the start of the fight. “I can’t help but think this could have been avoided. If we hadn’t thought it was just a criminal taking a robot for a remote joyride, we might have tried communication instead of coming in guns blazing.”
Just then, Wrex extended and fired both plasma lances, matching their fire against Zero’s torrent of psychokinetic force. To that assault, it added a PSM blast from its mouth, finally overcoming the pressure of Zero’s attack and forcing her to dodge by flying up.
“I kind of think that ship has sailed,” she admitted to her mother, “If it was ever there. Flowbeasts are apparently pretty vicious and only learn to work with other sentient if they bond to their first host while really young and barely sentient themselves.”
Of all the skills she’d learned from growing up with adventurous superheros as parents, Zero was most thankful for ‘speed reading’ at the moment. Advanced first aid, wilderness survival and knife throwing (just in case her powers stopped working) were all useful, but right then, none of them would have helped her reassure her mother’s conscience with some authority.
Below, Wrex targeted Zero with its machine guns, retreating backward across the highway and toward the city behind. The buildings, it reasoned, would give it cover and possibly afford a place to hide and regroup against its foes.
Zero defended herself easily with a shield. “It might not matter thought if it keeps heading for the city: the Air Force will just blow it to bits.”
“Then we have to stop him from retreating.” Majestrix reasoned.
“But how do we do that?” asked Zero.
Inside the cabin of the Queen’s Gambit, Majestrix was busy rerouting power and changing her ammunition loading protocols. “By making him think he’s doing better in this fight than he is. Follow my lead, okay?”
With that, the Queen’s Gambit trundled back into the battle, firing a burst of machine gun fire. That burst only lasted a few seconds, however, before the ammo clips ran out, leaving the guns chattering away without anything happening.
The mecha raised the arm on which the guns were mounted in front of it, pantomiming someone checking a watch that seemed to stop ticking.
Wrex deduced what had happened instantly based on its own ammunition usage: the enemy had run out of firepower, or at least one type. Being an ambush predator, it couldn’t resist capitalizing on that moment of weakness.
“Terror!” It shouted what was swiftly becoming its war cry and barged toward the Queen’s Gambit, arming both plasma lances as it came.
Its focus, however, caused it to miss the field of ice that had formed on the road in front of it. At first, its heavy footsteps crushed the ice underfoot, but even then, the footing was trick at best. Wrex slipped and stumbled, now unable to check its forward momentum.
Majestrix stood her ground inside her mecha, raising the machine gun bearing arm ahead of her. With a few commands, she decoupled the magnetic bolts that kept the gun in place, allowing the weapons to drop from the arm with a pair of dull clanks. And with another, she started the conversion of the arm itself.
The barely articulated fist folded down, revealing a barrel while panels slip open to reveal vents or folded out into cooling fins that serviced the Queen’s Gambit’s anti-tank pulse cannon. Every watt of available power in the mecha’s circuits dumped into the cannon, as the same struts that dropped down to steady it for missile fire did so again.
Wrex tried to stop. It tried to bring its plasma lances to bear, but the bursts of red energy went wide, burning swathes out of the field instead. When it was clear nothing was going to keep it from being hit by the newly revealed weapon, it changed tactics and plunged forward, opening its maw wide.
It was less than ten feet away when the pulse cannon reached full charge and Majestrix fired.
The cannon unleashed a bolt of force that ripped off Wrex’s right plasma lance and tore out the missile rack on the same side. Wrex bellowed in mixed pain and rage, clamping its jaws down around the cannon’s housing and twisting. Its size advantage easily ripped the robotic appendage free of the chassis in a shower of sparks and hydraulic fluid.
Inside the Queen’s Gambit, Majestrix ignored the warning lights and klaxons going on all around her and focused on the task at hand: as far as she was concerned, she had Wrex right where she wanted it.
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About Vaal

Landon Porter is the author of The Descendants and Rune Breaker. Follow him on Twitter @ParadoxOmni or sign up for his newsletter. You can also purchase his books from all major platforms from the bookstore
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  1. “This flowbeast as ancient among its kind…”

    According to my new headcanon, flowbeasts are so named for their tendency to drop mad rhymes with formidable cadence.

    • I doubt it can compare to your imagination, but I offer some flowbeast-related rhyming in honor of your awesome idea.


      • That is some sublime flow you just put down, my friend.

        • Mighty Wrexus has many gifts; one of them is the power to inspire lesser beings such as myself.

          I confess when I saw the name I did think of Urdnot Wrex from the Mass Effect games. Imagining a kaiju-sized version of him was pretty intimidating, even with the stubby arms.

      • O_O
        I am speechless.

        • The moment I read your comment, I had to take it as a challenge. I had too much fun in the attempt to pass it up. I’m glad my peasant rhymes did not offend (unless you’re speechless because they did offend, I suppose, but I think you meant it in a good way).


  2. Mighty Wrexus is going to stomp into town
    He’ll huff and he’ll puff and he’ll bring this house down
    When he cuts loose in this world
    and the people gather ’round
    Faeries and humans best recognize his crown

    He’s the king of the beat,
    the sultan of smooth
    this flowbeast’s sweet
    lyrics make ladies go “oooh”

    Mighty Wrexus steps up
    and climbs right to the top
    with his plasma lances
    he’s a bio-tech cop
    on patrol in his kingdom
    looking out for competition
    He will be the strongest
    That’s his number one mission

    Won’t bond with no punks
    or serve any demon
    Don’t give him no lip
    He’ll crash through that glass ceilin’
    That keeps flowbeasts in check
    serving Faeries and daoine

    So step back and look out
    Mighty Rexus is out
    he’s loose in your dimension
    Can you feel the tension?

    When he strikes you will learn
    Just what it takes to earn
    Freedom when you’re from Faerie
    So listen close and hail he
    who has merged with the machine
    Took a name and stole the scene
    Mighty Wrexus is here to stay
    Say goodbye to yesterday
    cause your world is forever changed.

    note: Mighty Wrexus doesn’t drop microphones. He drops Best Buys.

    more reminiscent of the Fourth of July then Yuletide.
    “then” should be “than” (the first concerns time, the second is comparative)

    nearby Greenlee where Juniper’s father, Pete used to work.
    comma is unnecessary. Alternatively, another comma after “Pete” might also be correct

    She didn’t have as good a sense for all things mechanical like her mother,
    “as” should replace “like”

    “…but none of the others don’t really say much one way or the other about their sex.”
    This is dialogue, so incorrect phrasing/word use may be what you wanted. If not, then there’s a double-negative in need of fixing, and “others” doesn’t have a clear referent. Try “…but none of the others’ names really says much one way or the other about their sex.”

    No one saw the green haze staring to form in a far corner.
    “staring” is meant to be “starting”, I suspect.

    It squelched wetly as if hit the concrete floor,
    wrote “if” instead of “it” here.

    Preying on fish and plants and the occasional hapless foll who became separated from a larger group and became lost,
    Repetition of “become” is unnecessary. “foll” was probably supposed to be “foal”, which is a young horse, unless “foll” was defined previously and I forgot.

    Other flowbeasts were usually tamed and forced to bond with other creatures
    Again, unnecessary repetition. “other”.

    Instinct compelled it to bond with those sentient being it caught,
    “being” should be “beings”.

    No servant of Maeve of her rivals would stand against it,
    second “of” should be “or” here.

    interfacing a CPU.
    should be “interfacing with a CPU”.

    It also flowed into an integrated with the optical sensors,
    “an” should be “and”

    The creature; a fusion of flesh and steel,
    semicolon here should be a comma.

    Alarmed has started going off in the building,
    “Alarmed” should be “alarms”.

    Mighty Wrexus was free to roam the strange new world it tumbled into
    should be “the strange new world it had tumbled into” for the appropriate tense.

  3. Eww. Didn’t mommy-flowbeast teach not to stuff your food where your gun is?

  4. First off, I have to say that I absolutely love the phrase: “which looked like the bastard child of a disco ball and a war crime”. It made me happy to read that. This whole storyline makes me happy, really.

    Second, this:

    Mighty Wrexus is back and he’s stalking the streets
    He’s the one mighty flowbeast who cannot be beat
    He’s never lost a battle or tasted defeat
    Among rhyming combatants he’s considered elite

    Bonded to the awesome, a mecha machine
    It’s a pure wondrous terror that has to be seen
    It’s stride is colossal, it’s metallic sheen
    Warns idle bystanders to run and to scream

    A walking arsenal holding two plasma lances
    With machine guns and missiles, the crowds it entrances
    Paired diamond buzzsaws and a railgun tail
    So supreme that it’s just too up-gunned to fail
    Wielding destruction spectacular and ordnance amazing
    Bringing high-tech fury with all weapons blazing
    Jump jets for mobility and more tech besides
    It’s hard to hold the complete specs in your mind

    The automaton serves as a mold for the flesh
    And combining their strengths, synergizing they mesh
    The powers of Faerie with technological design
    Form a being whose greatness is hard to define

    Shapeshifter and titan, one amorphous and one forged
    Look upon them and let your imagination gorge
    The possibilities are endless, the future uncertain
    The enemies of Wrexus are soon to be hurtin’
    That’s the only real guarantee movin’ forward
    But know that whatever goal it’s proceedin’ toward
    The behemoth’s relentless, a land-bound leviathan
    Just to keep it in sight, you’d have to run a marathon

    Now it tastes newfound freedom
    The choices of the mighty
    Wrexus will feed on the prey
    And he’ll frighten the flighty
    Experts don’t even know what they’re in for
    Unable to see through the flesh to the core
    The reactor is charging like a furnace that’s stoked
    Unless she moves fast Zero might just get smoked
    For the time has come and the battle’s beginning
    We’ll have to wait and see who ends up winning

    • You cannot believe how happy that made me,Curious George.

      • My pleasure. If you missed it, you can catch part one in the comments of Kaiju for Christmas, chapter 1 as well. I have to pass credit for the inspiration to Vaal (for creating Wrexus) and Mazzon (who suggested that flowbeasts might have a gift for such things). It just kind of clicked in my brain after that.


      • You’re welcome. It started in part 1 of Descendants 75, if you missed it.


    • Have I told you recently that you’re amazing, CG? Because you? You’re amazing.

  5. His enjoyment was swiftly crushed when he heard what the party on the other end of the line.
    what the party… said?

    as the wandered the aisles
    as she

    All in all, she’s wasted

    on on the back
    one on

    control schemes The receiver

    but ‘ranch meant

    a real sick on
    sick one

    “Didn’t call—why did you call me first?! Did you honestly think that a six story robot T-rex is something you could cover up? Call the police, Terry! Call the FBI—hell, call the army—call anyone that can stop it!”

    Haha 😛

    • Additional typos:

      that wouldn’t immediately give away that they older man
      “they” should be “the”

      Zero Point reported over is comm.
      “is” should be “his”

      if they lose contract with a beacon
      “contract” should be “contact”

      Dude had no meaning, but ‘ranch
      “ranch” needs a close-quote, and if it’s in quotations “Dude” probably should be too

      After a dozen step, Wrex
      “step” should be “steps”

      What do you gain for terrorizing a bunch of poor,
      “for” should probably be “from” here


  6. “Giant cyborg dinosaur.” Zero Point mumbled, “That’s a new one.”
    Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah, 1991.

  7. Part 3:
    Mighty Wrexus is here and he’s revving up fast
    He’s prepared and he’s going to let off a blast
    Anyone who gets hit by him could breathe their last
    They’ll be nothing but memory, stuck in the past

    To face Wrexus in battle takes bravery and skill
    Few have ever fought it, let alone to a standstill
    But when great challenges rise, heroes can be born
    Or if they’re there already, they make themselves known
    Facing the danger without looking back
    They head to the future, no stopping to pack
    Bear witness to their fitness to lead in the fight
    To never stop or give up on what is right
    It’s the will to face down even cyber-beast giants
    To confront the unknown but stay strong and defiant

    Wrexus isn’t quite creature; not just a machine
    He’s a merging of two that has yet to be seen
    Shifting flesh coats the armor and the two move as one
    Guided by a single will and immovable as stone

    A family of heroes has flown off to battle
    And this is the thing they’ve committed to fight
    A two-in-one being armies fear to tackle
    With weapons that burn and cast searing death-light

    Now they’re battling a creature
    that stretches into the sky
    If they win there’s no treasure
    If they lose they could die
    This is what sets the Descendants apart
    To go into a battle and make it look like art
    Despite the fact that any one fray
    Could be their last one if it’s an unlucky day

    Wrexus is armed to the teeth and beyond
    It devours whole horses and could drink a pond
    It’s not truly malicious, just acting on instinct
    But to the unlucky victims the two seem indistinct
    They’re running and hiding and fleeing in terror
    If you think that you’re safe from Wrexus you’re in error
    His collateral damage may be quite severe
    So you’d be better off runnin’ from here
    It’s a creature from Faerie that’s lived in the wild
    Always hiding and scavenging, fearful as a child
    For its kind’s been used to assist others and serve them
    An abuse that has gotten many hurt or killed
    But this flowbeast’s unique, it escaped and lived free
    Now it’s in our world seeking new destiny
    A fate that will let it live life for itself
    Instead of taking orders from some demon or elf

    Alloy and Occult come back quick with advice
    Pinpointing the weaknesses of flowbeast and device
    It might just be enough to give Zero an edge
    That she needs to hit Wrex the Wrecker like a sledge-
    hammer, and maybe she’ll stop him cold
    In his tracks, though this flowbeast is pretty old

    He’s a survivor, a shapeshifter wily and clever
    If they win, then Zero and her parents can brag forever
    That they stopped a foe who could go toe-to-toe with Godzilla
    This fight will be bigger than the Thriller in Manila
    Cause Wrex supersizes every punch and kick
    Delivering force in the tons to make it stick
    He’s a fully-armed giant and he came here to eat
    And maybe drop some rhymes while he’s shuffling his feet
    Along the road, heading to grab some food
    Interrupting him makes Zero look a little rude
    From Wrex’s perspective he was just sitting down
    To eat dinner and get to know his new hometown

    • I want you to know that I’ve decided Wrex will return after this issue solely thanks to these posts.

      • Those are glad tidings indeed. It’s been pretty fun to try to keep this going without it getting stale. I think I’ll try to make it through the whole issue that way, but it’s more challenging each time, so we’ll see how it goes. I’m glad I can give at least a little entertainment back in repayment for the fun I’ve had reading the story.

        As for Wrex, well…it’s his fault for being awesome. And for putting me in the mood to watch Godzilla movies and play MechWarrior games, some of which are awesome.

  8. Note: If “Queen’s Gambit” is italicized, “Rook” probably should be too, right? They’re both named vehicles, essentially.

    typo thread:
    unsure of whether she was hurt of not within the bubble
    “of” should be “or”

    Zero Point sat the screen down
    “sat” should be “set”

    Winy Mesa’s suburbs
    Pretty sure it was “Windy Mesa”…although the idea of calling a town “Whiny Mesa” is kind of funny

    as if the air itself as moving slower
    “as” should be “was”

    otherwise she’d have to retire of the public good.
    “of” should be “for

    while the Majestrix with full weapons was too heavy
    I think “Majestrix” is meant to be “Queen’s Gambit” here

    newly knocking Wrex over
    “newly” is meant to be “nearly”, I think?

    There, in the sky was 
    Either the comma should be removed, or there should be another one after “sky”

    There was where the similarities ended
    “There” should be “That”

    a long cylinder that resembled by wasn’t
    “by” should be “but”

    to earth on fire pillars of flame.
    “fire” seems unnecessary here

     beings… or in this case, robots; and 
    If you lead in with ellipses, you should follow “robots” with one as well. Either way, following a semicolon with “and” is pretty much always incorrect, so at the very least the semicolon should be changed to a comma to fit the list format for the sentence

  9. Very nice. Love to see our heroes thinking about what, why, and how they’re fighting, instead of just punching away blindly.

    Wrex is facing Zero Point, Majestrix and Zero
    A family who spend their time off as heroes
    Now they’re engaged in a battle of gigantic proportion
    Against a flowbeast that came through a magical distortion
    A newcomer and stranger, semi-sentient but feral
    It thinks like a scavenger, not like a general
    Its weaknesses known can now be exploited
    And if it’s not quick, Wrexus will be deported
    Back to Faerie, or if it is even less lucky
    It might just get kicked from here to Kentucky
    Or wiped out completely and turned into rubble
    The enemy’s waiting to pop its bubble
    That feeling of power that once it enjoyed
    Now seems fleeting, and the flies which annoyed
    it as it tried to feed seem a genuine threat
    A foe the likes of which it hasn’t faced yet
    With powers strange and abilities uncommon
    Flying, forming ice, many fights have they won
    Cause while battling something like Wrexus is new
    To ZP and Majestrix, the reverse is true too

    In a fight like this information could win the day
    And given what Occult and Alloy had to say
    Zero and her parents are pretty well informed
    While Wrexus relies on what its guessed and observed
    Which gives the humans a decided advantage
    No matter how many weapons and appendages
    Wrex may use or grow, its still fighting alone
    With no backup, no allies, no buddies, no home

    And if it meets with success and starts killing
    Then it may find the results far too thrilling
    Its fighting good guys who are showing restraint
    But if it ever eats a human, they ain’t
    Gonna keep playing nice, or so I’d imagine
    A Zero done holding back could be frightenin’

    Now the Queen’s made a gambit and taken a risk
    Suckering Wrexus in close with a trick
    But it cost her an arm and a mighty pulse gun
    If her follow-up fails then she might need to run
    But then again no battle is won without taking chances
    And a good tactical mind is worth twelve plasma lances
    Majestrix has experience fighting odd things
    Striving and improvising and pulling the strings
    Weaving the plan to outfox her opponents
    Rather than relying on some fancy components
    She’s a junkyard queen, used to making do
    And with will and determination, powering through
    Obstacles unexpected and challenges dangerous
    So betting against her is financially hazardous
    The battle’s well underway and it’s almost time
    To find out who’s the victor and who’s doin’ time
    Will we see incarceration or will we see death?
    Will one of these fighters exhale that last breath?
    Will Wrexus escape to go wander the blue?
    Or be sent packing to go hide and lick his wounds?
    Or maybe he’ll win this and go on a tear
    Until someone else inspires in him some fear

    • “Love to see our heroes thinking about what, WHY, and how they’re fighting…”

      Agreed. The usual plot is for the monster to laugh off all attempts by mundanes to stop it, so they bring in the superheroes to kill it.

      Here, the military is perfectly able to nuke the monster from orbit, but the superheroes want to see if they can stop it without any death because life is valuable.

      Oh, and awesome work on the rapping.

    • My god, they keep getting more epic!

      • I’m trying not to settle for juts repeating myself, which is proving to be a bit of a challenge. Glad to hear the results are entertaining.

  10. typo thread:

    Wrex let out a coughing grunt and opened fire with its own machine guns, peppering Zero Point, who had to move his wall to protect himself. Once the way was clear, it opened up on the Queen’s Gambit with its own machine guns.
    Repetition of “with its own machine guns” seems odd. Second instance should probably be changed to clarify whether fire is being redirected, or additional guns are beginning to fire.

    reached over and pulled over the cover 
    Should be either “pulled off” or “pulled open”

     nasally blare 
    Should just be “nasal”, I think

    surrounded by creatures that were much like its host, only smaller that seemed to creep along the ground on four rubbery feet. 
    Second “that” is problematic here. Maybe “only smaller, and creeping along the ground on four rubber feet.”

    her mind as on the start of
    “as” instead of “was”

    work with other sentient if they
    “sentient” should be plural “sentients” I think

    while panels slip open to reveal vents
    “slip” should be “slipped”

  11. typo thread:
    the later of which was t

    Seeing and opening

    where she hang in air

  12. The end:

    The chronicle of Wrexus now concludes
    Gather ’round and listen close all you ladies and dudes
    To hear tell of the mighty unstoppable giant
    Who refused to lie down placid and compliant
    He’s a rebel, an icon, inspiring awe
    Harbinger of change with a gigantic craw
    He cannot be contained, can rarely be thwarted
    It’s a testament to Zero that she and her cohort did

    Mighty Wrexus is going, his tale now ends
    The machine and flowbeast that were closer than friends
    Are permanently parted, sundered forever
    This is a sad day, for they’ll reunite never
    The glory and majesty of the magic-merged mech
    And subtle shapeshifter wrapped around the tech
    Fueled by an ambition and powerful reactor
    Are beaten, defeated, no longer a factor

    They were dangerous, large and in charge in their day
    But when you come to a new world there’s a price to pay
    Cause you don’t know the rules or understand the dangers
    You can like Wrexus’ style but you wouldn’t have wagered
    That he’d last in the long haul trapped on an Earth
    With superheroes waiting, and a definite dearth
    Of magic and things a flowbeast understands
    Or recognizes, and no helping hands
    To be found among humans, no matter how nice
    They might be, from the start Wrexus was on thin ice

    The Chronicle of Wrexus is a tale melancholy
    How an epic battled spawned from a single flowbeast’s folly
    All he wanted was a place that he could roam in freedom
    What he found was a new world that didn’t really want or need him
    We can only hope and pray that one day Wrexus will return
    A little wiser to the rules and regulations we all learn
    Living in a world of humans, maybe he’ll become a rapper
    If he can twist words like his body then he’d be the best, most dapper
    Perhaps go on to an eminently successful career
    And send word back home that for flowbeasts who come here
    There’s opportunity to be had and no enslaving Faeries
    The details are uncertain but I guarantee he’s
    Going down in history as a creature unique
    The first solo flowbeast to come to earth and seek
    His fortune and future and find a new type of host
    A synthetic creature inspired by the most
    Terrifying predator of a bygone age
    A dinosaur too mighty to be securely caged
    The relentless king, a mechanical tyrant
    The mighty thunder lizard, reborn as a tech giant
    One of a kind, the top of the food chain
    Now more dangerous than ever, with ordnance to rain
    Amalgamating into something as if forged by a wordsmith
    A combination of poet and a creature out of myth

    This story is over but possibilities remain
    Wrexus could one day return, once more bringing the pain
    Delivering rhyme and rhythm with its own unique zest
    Proving once again that he’s unquestionably the best
    Hold your breath and say your prayers to hasten the time
    When we’ll witness the return of the flowbeast so sublime

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