Over a year after the events of the Rune Breaker series, Pele and Ru are once again living and traveling with the halflings of the Winter Willow Clan. A decision by the clan’s Grandmother, however, soon has Pele facing old fears and new doubts about her very nature.
With none of her family or friends (or Ru) able to truly understand what she’s going through, she might have to turn to Vul Azan: a man who claims to be her half brother. But even if she can trust him, there’s the small matter of the assassin out to take his life…
Return to the World of Ere and the lives of Pele, Ru, Kaiel, Brin, Raiteria and the other characters from Rune Breaker for the start of an all-new adventure. Witness new places, new wonders—and new threats while along for a ride every bit as thrilling as the first series.
The World of Ere: Fantasy like you’ve never read it before.
Is there a reason this doesn’t seem to be up on DriveThruFiction?
I’m having problems with the PDF conversion. Will be up tonight.
Any clue as to when the second book
In the Soul Battery series will be out?
Coming next month!
Any eta on the sequel to Soul Battery?
I loved it, from the beginning to the end. Waiting eagerly for the next chapter. I followed the entire rune breaker saga with some awe which I didn’t felt for a new fantasy author since quite a long time.
congrats from another geek, brother !
*legit cried about who dang series* I read the first like 4 books and they were so great! I thought it was the end though. I had the end of a book sadness but also slight relief because now I could get back to paying attention in class and work. But then I get to the last page of the last book and BAM I see Soul Battery and I’m doomed all over again. Seriously a great book. I’m loving it.
I think I have crush on ru
I’m glad you like him 🙂