Issue #66 – City by the Lake

This entry is part 6 of 16 in the series The Descendants Vol 6: Returns and Departures

Laurel, Cyn and Juniper travel to Chicago to help the Kin, only to find themselves at odds with the Outliers and Chicago’s own prelate: The Shade. Things only get worse as the reason the Kin need help comes to light: it seems that Noah is n his beast form again and on a rampage.

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Issue #63 – Storm Cage

This entry is part 3 of 16 in the series The Descendants Vol 6: Returns and Departures

Sky Hard Part 1


Ian and Alexis are invited by Professor Demetrius to the maiden flight of the Storm Cage: an honest to god weather machine. Unfortunately, this example of mad science like the Storm Cage attracts more than just press, military, and scientists and Alexis soon find herself playing the spanner in the works against a terrorist plot.

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Issue #60 – Rust Buckets

This entry is part 13 of 14 in the series The Descendants Vol 5: How the World Changes

Cyn’s father and his descendants hating friends come calling on Mayfield with the intent of taking down as many Descendants as possible, especially everyone’s favorite girl in gold. But with a major communications failure keeping them from coordinating, it’s every descendants for themselves against the giant robots of the Rust Bucket Boys (and Mama). Introducing the resourceful renegade: Renaissance.

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Issue #59 – Return of the Magi

This entry is part 12 of 14 in the series The Descendants Vol 5: How the World Changes

The full team converges on Morganna’s newly created wizard’s tower to stop her ritual, but between them and their goal stands the unbeatable force that is Inexorable. Can the Descendants and their new mystical allies stop Morganna in time? The conclusion of Morganna’s Body, the arc that will change forever how the Descendants Universe operates.

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