Cast Songs: Descendants Edition

It’s kind of a thing among amateur writers to cast their characters as if they were making a movie. It’s a fun, harmless little bit of day dreaming, and can actually help to flesh out the character by giving you a base to work on. And it insulates us from the cold, harsh reality of the fact that we don’t get to make that description and no matter who we want, any young non-buff, non-hearthtrob male will be played by Shia Lebouf.

I’m not really good at this game. Literally everyone in the world knows more about actors than I do. People always end up with a list of people from obscure cable shows and art-house movies and I’m left with a list composed mostly of people who get their names on posters for movies uncultured everydudes like me see.

But I am a voice acting buff, so I can and have cast Descendants: The Animated Series. Maybe I should have made this post about that. Oh well.

Anyway, I recently read somewhere that Tita Kubo, creator of the anime series Bleach, assigned theme songs to every member of his very large principle cast and I thought it was an … Continue reading

Posting Schedule for August 2011

Figured I should start actually putting these out. This is a list of scheduled updates for the month of August.

Wednesday, August 3rdLiedecker Institute #17 ‘January Heatwave’ Part 5

Friday, August 5thRune Breaker Chapter 10: Recovery

Monday, August 8thDescendants #54 ‘Shadow of the Kurounagi’ Chapter 4

Wednesday, August 10thDescendants: LA #5 ‘Above the Line’ Part 2

Monday, August 15thDescendants #54 ‘Shadow of the Kurounagi’ Chapter 5

Wednesday, August 17thSpider’s 7 #7 ‘The Myth’

Friday, August 19thRune Breaker Chapter 11: Sisters, Brothers

Monday, August 22ndDescendants #54 ‘Shadow of the Kurounagi’ Chapter 6 (conclusion)

Wednesday, August 24th – Preview of Vorpal: Gyre and Gimble

Monday, August 29thDescendants #55 ‘Beer Money’ Chapter 1

Wednesday, August 31st – TBA, 5th Week Special.

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