Villainous Traits (That Aren’t Used Enough)
Instead of Godzilla, like he wanted to, Vaal talks about villains and uses they’re rarely put to.
Instead of Godzilla, like he wanted to, Vaal talks about villains and uses they’re rarely put to.
Vaal share his love o’ de best Cajun superhero out deh, homme. Come see why Gambit deserve a bettah hand den he been dealt.
Gather ’round yon readers, for Vaal has some tales to tell from around the game table.
Vaal mocks the monsters (constructively) in Week 3 of D&D Month.
The noble profession of dungeon mastering (as opposed to castle mastering, prison mastering or house mastering) has taught Vaal a lot about writing and now you have to listen to him talk about it–and the worst middle management flinkie ever.
In honor of the 40th Anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons, Vaal is doing a whole month of blogs revolving around the venerable game. It starts right here with a discussion of magic systems, starting with the (rightly) maligned Vancian casting system.
By popular demand, Vaal is taking the ‘old bird-cat into the Monster Garage to strip it down, tune it up and make a whole new monster out of this beaked brute.
English is… not the best language. Unless you’re using it to write a comedic blog post about it.
Vaal takes on lazy writing one more again, this time involving Fantasy Tropes. He also faces down the menace of the bearded.
Vaal tackles idiot plots by way of taking apart a long running meta-arc from Marvel. Bendis, beware.