Descendants Annual #6
Meanwhile at the LSI HQ…
The end of Volume 6 is here! And while Ian and Issac visit the new HQ, someone new is making their move in Arizona.
Catchall for all stories
Meanwhile at the LSI HQ…
The end of Volume 6 is here! And while Ian and Issac visit the new HQ, someone new is making their move in Arizona.
The second year at the Liedecker Institute begins right here! Meet Zane Springfield, a kid with some complicated powers and a bright outlook. Too bad his powers are going to make this difficult.
The plan is underway, but is Ananzi there to help or to hinder? There’s only one issue left int he saga of the Spider’s spectacular Seven How much additional atonal yet amazing alliteration can I fit in before that?
The amazing conclusion to Rune Breaker Book 3: The Path of Destruction is here! The secret of the Soul Battery is revealed and nothing will be the same again.
Link gets that promised look at the ‘other side’ of Amanda’s world.
The endgame is upon the Seven as they put their plan to defeat the cult of the Adversarial Force into action! And first up is Terrell who has the unenviable job of dealing with a certain former vampire.
Issac comes to Mayfield for a visit and he brings his new Turmoil costume along. It’s a good thing too, because he and Ian are about to face a blast from the past. Is it Tome? Brother Wright? Worse: 90’s antiheroes.
Cyn survived her jaunt to the DeviceWorld, but the memory of what happened there remains. Hear in her own words what she does in the Aftermath.
On the road to Rivenport, Pele learns more about the new world she now inhabits and the city she is swiftly approaching.